Dedicated to "the healing and growth of the whole person, full participation in all creation and the healing of the planet in the context of community."
Peace Valley
Healing Center
PO Box 979
Boulder, MT 59632
Tel: (406) 225-3488
Fax: (406) 225-4345
You can send us a check, please make payment to Peace Valley Healing Center, PO Box 979 Boulder, MT 59632. Please include your name and address so we can send you a receipt.
If your would like your donation to go to a particular fund, you can nominate from the following: Native Elders Fund, Training Kete, General Fund. If you are making your donation via PayPal and wish to nominate a particular fund, please send us an email to giving your name and date of donation.
Any donations to Peace Valley Healing Center are tax deductible for US citizens.