Dedicated to "the healing and growth of the whole person, full participation in all creation and the healing of the planet in the context of community."
Peace Valley
Healing Center
PO Box 979
Boulder, MT 59632
Tel: (406) 225-3488
Fax: (406) 225-4345
Native Elders, they are our
I know Peace Valley and Boulder Hot Springs from two visits during the last six years. It seems to be really a special place. The hot springs gave me energy every morning and calmed me down to go to sleep every evening. I could feel my connection with the mountains, the plants and the animals. It feels so good that the surrounding area is kept natural and I know that it was much work for some people to make this possible. At the International Gathering I had the opportunity to meet Native Elders from all over the world, whose coming was supported by the Peace Valley Healing Center. I learned from them to respect every person, every animal, every plant and all the land.
I learned that to be in a hurry is direspectful, because I would not be aware of the living beings around me. Coming from Europe where written history is full with war stories, I especially appreciate to be able to come to this place that was always kept free from any war activities. I hope to come back soon.
Beatrix A. - Austria
I value the work that the Peace Valley Healing
Center does in supporting indigenous elders. I
was very moved by the sharing of the elders who
spoke at the International Gatherings I have attended.
I also value the open way in which the Board operates
by distributing their minutes to everyone in the
Living In Process community, and the way Board
Members share their personal process with the
international network as well. They provide a
wonderfully different model of how a board can
operate – something every one of us involved
in Board work can aspire to.
Anne Marie - New Zealand
"My participation in the Living in Process
International Community over the past 12 years
has contributed greatly to my personal healing
and recovery from addiction. Through the support of the Peace Valley Healing
Center in bringing elders from all over the world
to the International Gatherings at Boulder Hot
Springs,I have been able to learn firsthand
from many native elders about their cultures,
about healing the land around us, and to discard
many of my previous, white media influenced, misconceptions
about other cultures.
This process has prompted me to explore
my French-Canadian ancestry, leading to the discovery
that I am myself Metis. I am grateful
to Peace Valley Healing Center for helping to
facilitate this wonderful enrichment to my life."
M.Z. - Alberta, Canada
Ich bin seit neun Jahren Teil der internationalen
LIP-Gemeinschaft. 2003 habe ich Boulder Hotsprings
und das Peace Valley zum ersten Mal anlaesslich
des ‘Internationalen Gatherings’ besucht.
Das PVHC ermoeglicht der LIP-Gemeinschaft, u.
a. indigene Aelteste aus aller Welt zu den alle
drei Jahre stattfindenden ‘Gatherings’,
zu denen Menschen aus Europa, Australien, Kanada
und allen Teilen der USA anreisen, als Ehrengaeste
Die Begegnung mit indigenen Aeltesten - Indianer,
Maoris und Aboriginies - gehoert zu den eindruckvollen,
tiefgreifenden, spirituellen Erfahrungen in meinem
Leben. Durch diese Menschen zu spueren und zu
erleben, dass ein direkter Kontakt zur Schoepfung
und unserem Schoepfer gelebt werden kann und moeglich
ist, hat mich als “genesender Katholik”
sehr beeindruckt und mich dazu inspiriert, weiter
zu gehen und meine eigene Spiritualitaet hinter
meinem eingeschraenkten Gottesbild zu entwickeln.
Meine Einstellung gegenueber den Aeltesten in
meinem eigenen Leben hat sich durch diese Begegnungen
ebenfalls wesentlich veraendert: Respekt, Wertschaetzung
und Anerkennung, statt Abwertung, Gleichgueltigkeit
und Ignoranz. Ob den Aeltesten in meiner Familie
gegenueber oder den Aeltesten im Supermarkt an
der Kasse.
Die Tatsache, dass das Peace Valley von indianischen
Voelkern in der Vergangenheit stets als Friedens-
und Heilort geehrt wurde, an dem Waffen niedergelegt
und nicht gekaempft wurde, hat mich ebenfalls
sehr beruehrt. Dieser besondere Friede ist hier
spuerbar. Es verleiht dem Ort eine ungewoenhliche
Heilkraft. Und ich finde Trost in der Tatsache,
dass in einer Welt, in der Kloester und andere
heilige Begegnungsstaetten zerstoert werden, sich
Menschen wegen ihres Glaubens gegenseitig umbringen,
Orte existieren, die Menschen heilig sind und
bis heute entsprechend geehrt werden. Ein inspiriendes
Beispiel fuer uns alle.
Roland H. - Duesseldorf Germany
What an amazing opportunity we have to be among
native elders at such an exquisite venue, with
healing waters. My children went to the International
Gathering in 2004 and we so appreciated the chance
to learn about many cultures and to have the support
to live my life in a clear way, guided by the
wisdom of others who have life long experiences
to share.
Abby - New Zealand
I know the Peace Valley Healing Center has provided
support to elders around the globe... I take great
comfort in knowing there are organizations such
as this in operation, and I feel honoured to have
the opportunity to play a small part in it.
Joe H. - (Sydney, Australia)
The Peace Valley Healing Center (PVHC) provides
support for indigenous elders to attend Living
in Process® (LIP) community gatherings. I
cannot begin to communicate the richness they
bring to our group or the life lessons they teach
I was humbled to be a participant in
a “give-away.” Many gifts were given
from people who, by my old way of thinking, had
so little. It helped me see my arrogance, knowing
that they have a richness of spirit.
It helped me see my stinginess and how I want
to hold on to things unnecessarily. My life is
enriched by the native elders.
Another time at a Gathering, I was taken aback
when a toddler interrupted a respected elder who
was addressing the group. In my family children
were to be seen and not heard when adults were
talking, especially when an adult was addressing
a group of people. I felt a jab of fear and embarrassment
for the child and the parent who I assumed would
be given a “Why-don’t-you-control-your-child”
glare from other group members. To my surprise,
the elder stopped and listened to the child and
responded lovingly. Through many similar examples,
I learned a new way to be with children that does
not allow them to monopolize or disrupt the group,
but includes and honors them in a respectful and
loving way.
Susie B.
I am very grateful that the Peace Valley Healing
Centre has given indigenous elders from around
the world regular opportunities to meet, share
stories, exchange ideas and gain strength and
inspiration from their shared perspectives. As
a participant at these international gatherings,
I feel honoured to witness the healing, learn
from the different cultural viewpoints, all while
soaking in the healing hot springs in the Peace
Valley. I am very aware that the elders won’t
always be with us to share their wisdom, and we
will have the responsibility passed on to us.
Before participating in the Living in
Process Training and working 12 Step programs,
my life was hellish; I was an active alcoholic
and addict and had an eating disorder. I had been
affected by the drinking of adults in my family
as a child. I had also experienced incest
and emotional abuse as a child and young adult.
My young adult life included an attempt to run
away to prostitute and a nearly successful attempt
at suicide in 1989. In 1996 I was referred for
a psychiatric evaluation by my family physician
and was diagnosed as having obsessive-compulsive
disorder, moderate to severe depression and anxiety
disorder. The report from that 1996 evaluation
said that I should go on quadruple the normative
dose of a popular antidepressant. The report went
on to say politely and professionally, that in
essence, I was a psychiatric write-off.
I discovered 12 Step programs in 1997. A fellow
12 Stepper told me about Living in Process Intensives.
I went to my first Intensive that same year. I
joined the Training in 2001. I am in my fifth
year of Living in Process® Training.
Today, I know peace, sanity and sobriety. Years
ago I prayed to have peace of mind. I have peace
of mind today. I credit the Living in Process
Training a great deal for giving me the support
I needed to get well.
I am so grateful to have the financial support
to continue the training, to maintain my wellness
and continue to heal. Thank you Peace Valley Healing
As a result of a physical illness, I went to
a sleep specialist recently. As part of his routine
evaluation, he did a psychiatric evaluation. At
the end of his very thorough battery of questions
and observation, this doctor looked up from his
notes and exclaimed, “Chris, psychiatrically,
you are as healthy as a horse!” This is
a miracle.
Today, I have a burgeoning life, full
of opportunity. I have a supportive wife, family,
and many friends. I have recently returned to
university. I now support other struggling
addicts and alcoholics and believe I am a good
and conscientious citizen. I am very grateful.
This subsidy you have granted me allows me to
continue to heal and maintain my newfound gift
of mental health and wellness. Thank you so very
Chris P. - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I have been a part of the Living in Process®
network for 20 years. During that time I have
received assistance from the PVHC many times which
has made it possible for me to continue...I would
not be alive today without the community and my
recovery... Today, I am able to live a very blessed
life. Thank you again, for the support
Peggy C. - Idaho, USA
The Peace Valley Healing Center is a generous,
open and loving vehicle for exchanging contributions
and requests for people to heal within community...As
the result of the financial, emotional, and most
importantly spiritual support from the Peace Valley
Healing Center, I have been able to find a way
of healing and move away from my deep-seated mistrust
in others that stems from living with the effects
of alcoholism.
Colleen H - Alberta, Canada
I really appreciate the existence of the Peace
Valley Healing Center because it allows people
who really want to be a Trainee to do so, if the
cost involved is a barrier to them to be so. It
is so much in line with the concept that the Living
in Process® community is an open system and
available to those who want to be part of the
Clare - New Zealand
I began my healing journey with the Living in
Process® Training 8 years ago. At first, I
saw Peace Valley Healing Center as a source of
financial aid if I should need to do the Training
and had insufficient funds . I soon learned that
the experience and possibility for learning and
participating was and is much more. I involved
myself in Art Shares and cooperative auctions
to raise funds for Peace Valley Healing Center.
I felt touched by the experience of generosity
as people bid to help, not themselves, but someone
else receive an item they really liked. I felt
a lot of joy in the Art Shares; some people read
poetry; others sang songs, or shared paintings
or photography. These fund raisers were really
a fun way to get to know people and at the same
time raise funds for the Peace Valley Healing
About three years ago, I received a grant
from Peace valley Healing Center for some of my
travel and Training fee. What I remember most
is a great feeling of being loved and appreciated
(as is my experience in the Living in Process®
work.) I knew that I wanted this work and this
way of living to be a possibility for other people
who have struggles with addictions, or were abused
and dealing with living in an addictive society.
I still support this work financially and with
my time and energy. I have also been enriched
by the PVHC Elders Fund. The Fund has supported
Elders coming from all over the world to share
their history, wisdom and spiritual way of living
with us. I have felt humbled by their presence
and the gentleness of their ways of moving through
life. I felt some of my rough edges fall away,
and these were edges that I didn’t know
I had until they were gone. My husband has joined
us here for two International Gatherings of the
Elders and he also had a wonderful experience.
We still carry this in our relationship today.
The experience has profoundly affected us and
how we relate to each other and the world.
Today, I serve on the Board for Peace Valley
Healing Center. I look forward to our conference
calls. They give me a tremendous opportunity to
explore working with more attention to both intent
and process. And then, I can bring this experience
into the day to day operation of my own business.
I have been secretary on the Board and have worked
on different committees. I have learned so much
about being clear with what I and we are doing
and I have benefited from the experience of becoming
a ”trusted servant” of the community.
I continue to learn how service keeps me connected
to the Creator, and most of all, I learn about
how not to take myself so seriously. Often I do
not notice the absence of laughter in my life;
until I find myself laughing again and am reminded
to enjoy life.
I am deeply aware of how important it is to feed
the world, where there is starvation. For me,
spiritual nourishment is as essential to life
as physical nourishment. Far too many of us have
forgotten our oneness with the world and we can
now see the devastating consequences of our disassociation
on a human and global scale. I believe that the
work supported by Peace Valley Healing Center
provides spiritual nourishment to a starving world
and the healing and possibility for change reaches
farther and deeper than many of us could ever
Heather T. - Nova Scotia, Canada
Living Life Fully
Living in Process and this worldwide community
are unique and rare. Many groups talk of what
we live, learn and share. We have the possibility
of participating as pebbles in the pond and having
a ripple effect for good on those around us.
I am priviledged to be a part of this Living
in Process work. I contribute by hosting and facilitating
intensive workshops. I participate in work weeks
to help restore the historic building of Boulder
Hot Springs and the surrounding land. I attend
training sessions, serve on the Peace Valley Healing
Center Board of Directors, and participate in
our International Gathering of Elders to continue
to learn, grow and show up in my life.
Peace Valley Healing Center offers me
the opportunity to participate fully—with
all of Creation, with our many communities, with
recovery from addictions and our addictive society,
and with myself and others. I have regained my
spirit, love, joy, laughter and ability to play.
I am so grateful for all that I am learning
from each member of our community, and especially
from Native Elders. I feel honored, loved, supported
and healed. The infinity sign lives here.
Eric M. - California and UK
There are so many of us who need recovery from
addiction in order to live a full life of service
to others. I believe the approach of the Peace
Valley Healing Center, that if we give what we
can there will be resources for those who need
it. Peace Valley Healing Center also raises money
to support Indigenous elders and projects the
elders feel are important for their cultural life.
Annie R. - Santa Fe NM
Peace Valley Healing Center has changed
my life since I started this work in 1996. I am
not sure I would be alive today if I had not discovered
Living in Process. My world has expanded beyond
what I ever could have imagined. So has my thinking
and my capacity to love and care for others.
I was encouraged to look at and address how the
addictive process was operating in my life and
to follow the 12-Step program. I have made friends
from all over the world. I have formed intimate
relationships based on honesty, openness, trust
and sharing. I have had the opportunity to travel
to Hawaii, Europe and many parts of the United
States and Canada as a result of Living in Process
work. I have participated in Intensive workshops
in different parts of Canada and the United States
in order to bring awareness of this work to those
who need it and want the healing that it provides.
Living in Process has taught me how to live in
community in a respectful way—how to co-operate
with and be considerate of others. I have learned
how to participate and contribute. It is by participating
that I have learned the most—being a Board
member, helping with work projects, and being
involved in auctions and various other fund-raising
My experience in Living in Process has transformed
me in many ways. I feel more a part of the global
village and can no longer ignore how my behaviors,
decisions and actions affect others and ultimately
Mother Earth. I believe I have become a better
citizen of the world.
Among the most significant experiences has been
the opportunity to participate in International
Gatherings of Native Elders from around the world.
The level of sharing and healing is profound.
At these Gatherings, Peace Valley Healing center
provides a safe space for remarkable disclosure
and healing—Native Elders talking honestly
about their painful experiences as well as their
triumphs over difficulties, and their hope for
the future. Many share their wisdom and ways.
Many Germans come to these Gatherings from the
European Living in Process Community. Many have
talked about and processed their feelings about
their painful experiences during and following
World War II as children. My father fought in
the War. His twin brother was killed during the
War. Our fathers were at war against each other.
We all, on both sides, inherited the legacy of
pain that is passed down from one generation to
another. Processing our feelings and sharing with
each other has brought healing, not only on an
individual level, but also, I believe, on a global
I believe that Peace Valley Healing Center plays
a very important role ultimately in the healing
of the planet.
Beverly Ann - Canada
I'm writing this to express the gratitude I have
for Peace Valley Healing Center, Living in Process®
work and being a part of this community. It has
and continues to change my life. This work is
teaching me the meaning of being honest, open
and loving with myself and in communicating with
others. I am eternally grateful for all your patience
, love, laughter and support.
Melanie K. - Ohio, USA
When I was an undergraduate, I was told that I
should strongly consider pursuing further studies.
Unfortunately, my addictions and associated mental
health issues prevented me from continuing my
studies for a long time.
12 years ago I began working a twelve-step recovery
program and six years ago I joined the Living
in Process Training Program. I believe
participation in the Living in Process Training
has supported my twelve- step recovery immeasurably
and has allowed me to heal in many ways both spiritually
and emotionally. The combination of the two has
allowed me to live sanely and soberly with a measure
of peace in my life that I never thought possible.
I am currently close to successfully completing
a Masters Program in Environmental Studies. A
gift from PVHC for half of my tuition for the
2004-05 Living in Process Training Year and all
of my tuition for the 2005-06 and 2006-07 Living
in Process Training Years has enabled me to continue
to participate and get support for my growth and
healing while I attend university. Thank you so
much for this opportunity.
Residential Recovery Community
I have been a part of the Living in Process®
Community for over 20 years and feel lucky to
be on this healing path. The Lliving in Process®
work is amazing and we have seen people heal from
a wide variety of addictions, spiritual ailments
and many kinds of problems.
I am especially grateful to Peace Valley
Healing Center for the support it has given from
its Resident Fund to help people who need extended
time at Boulder Hot Springs for their healing.
I have a close friend and work colleague who was
supported by the Peace Valley Healing Center’s
Residents Fund and today she is a shining star
in the community she lives in. She gives back
to the community more than she receives and is
well-loved and respected. Peace Valley Healing
Center played a huge role on her road to recovery.
I also am grateful to Peace Valley Healing Center
for the ongoing support it has given many people
to do the Living in Process® work. Peace Valley
Healing Center has played a major role in availing
this wonderful, powerful, healing work of Living
in Process® to folks who would otherwise not
be able to be here. I feel blessed to have experienced
the give and take of the kete and be a part of
supporting people’s recovery through the
Peace Valley Healing Center.
And finally, the support of the Peace Valley
Healing Center to bring the Indigenous Elders
of the world to our gatherings at Boulder Hot
Springs has been very important to me. Some of
the most spiritual, fun, loving experiences of
my life have been at these gatherings of the elders
and the financial contributions of Peace Valley
Healing Center have played a big part in this.
Thank you PVHC!
Pete Sidley - Hawaii, USA
Being a resident at Boulder Hot Springs
is teaching me about a spiritual way of living.
In many ways, I feel alien living here amidst
the mountains as I have always lived in cities
and am more accustomed to tall buildings and cement
than sagebrush and deer.
What I am discovering is that nature
is both busy and patient, strange and intimate,
callous and caring. I am aware of how much I don't
know - am surprised by the sky, the quick changes
of weather, all the plants and underbrush and
animals. I have also had the experience of feeling
held and of finding my breath and emotional and
spiritual bearings while being out under that
same large sky, feeling the warm wind shift suddenly
cold, feeling the rocky earth beneath my uneven
This past summer, I was walking a friend’s
dogs and got lost in the mountains. It took me
a little while before I realized that I really
did not know how to get out of the woods, off
the mountain and back to the valley. Once I accepted
that I was lost, I felt a sense of relief as well
as a good deal of fear. The dogs and I eventually
got off the mountain just as a young woman was
driving by in her pick-up truck. I waved her to
stop and she did. She drove us back to familiar
territory and we were safe and sound by nightfall.
When I moved to Boulder Hot Springs seven months
ago, I was lost and did not know it. Living here,
I am coming to accept that I am lost and to feel
that same mixture of fear and relief that I felt
that day in the mountains. More and more, as I
keep walking through my days here, I am growing
and changing and coming to trust that there is
no being lost without being found.
Healing at many levels
I am reminded of the International Gathering in
2001. I wanted my parents to come to the Gathering
to meet Elizabeth Anne Wilson Schaef and the network
of friends I had developed, and also to have a
better understanding of this work (my agenda).
My parents came mainly to meet Elizabeth Anne
and others who had a part in restoring their relationship
with their son. I had been estranged from my parents
for 6 – 7 years before coming into Living
in Process work. As a result of my recovery
and my own healing work within the supportive
Living in Process community, I was able to let
go of my resentments toward my parents and re-establish
a relationship with them. In their own words,
my parents came to the Gathering “because
it was worth the time and effort to meet those
who played a part in restoring their son to them.”
My parents and I have since enjoyed a growing
friendship and level of intimacy, plus an ability
to have fun together, which never would have happened
without this work. I continue to be amazed and
grateful for the miracles taking place in my life
and in the lives of others, as a result of being involved
in the Living in Process community. This has been
made possible because of the facilitating role
that Peace Valley Healing Center has played in
making this work accessible to those who want
Doug Brown - Illinois USA
I am grateful to the Peace Valley Healing Center
for my life, my health, my increasing ability
to communicate respectfully and honestly, and
to work and play in a healthy way. In essence,
to show up in my life and participate fully in
it without fear.
Not only do I benefit
from the Peace Valley Healing Center, but my whole
family does - and everyone I come into contact
with. I am learning that I am part of
the whole - and that what I say and do does make
a difference.
Diana Lynn - Canada
By participating in various Peace Valley
Healing Center projects and activities I have
been challenged in exciting ways:
to expand my thinking so as to embrace non-traditional
ways of organizational structure, policy and procedures;
to focus on the process of decision-making rather
than on the decision itself; to participate in
creative ways of raising money for spiritual endeavors;
and to take the time to find the right course
rather than to do what seems easy or what presents
itself first.
Elise M. - South Carolina, USA
I really support the Peace Valley Healing Centre.
When I was there at the last International Gathering,
I went to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and
was blown away. My experience of AGM’s are/were
long, boring, and ground down by rules and political
manouvering between power-mad people who seem
to have forgotten the aim of their organization.
This AGM was true Living in Process. I also appreciate
the support for indigenous elders. I love hearing
their stories and really value their presence
at the gatherings.
Tiffany - New Zealand
My grandparents lived several states away from
my family when I was growing up. As a result,
I saw them every two years for a week or two.
I did not really know them well nor did I know
how to interact with them. I seldom listened to
their stories nor did I appreciate their wisdom
and experience.
Peace Valley Healing Center has supported elders
from all over the world to come to International
Gatherings held at Boulder Hot Springs. At these
times I have been given opportunities to interact
with them, to hear their stories and to learn
from their experiences. I have seen how I have
been disrespectful to the elders in my life and
have been shown another way to be. I am now more
respectful and loving to all elders.
In particular I am learning how to be
with my parents, who are in their eighties, listening
to their stories, supporting them in their aging
process and participating in their lives.
This past year I, too, became an elder. I now
look forward to growing older knowing that I am
part of a community that honors, respects and
supports me as I grow into my elderhood.